Ticks are here in Scotland and are most prevalent in the Highlands. They don’t just bite when you are out hillwalking. In a survey of Scottish patients who were ill after a tick bite, 46% were bitten while walking in local woods or fields, sometimes when walking a dog. 8% were bitten in their own home after pets brought ticks indoors. A few were bitten near beaches, in their own garden, and in urban parks. 82% were bitten in Scotland, with only 18% bitten abroad.
Before You Go Out
- Spray clothes with Permethrin
Pretreating outdoor clothing and equipment with Permethrin is the most effective way to avoid being bitten. Permethrin is an insecticide and kills ticks on contact. Clothing can be treated at home with sprays or dips that are effective for 2-6 weeks and last through multiple washings. Permethrin when wet, is toxic to cats and aquatic life so take the necessary precautions to avoid harm during application. Once dried into the clothing or equipment there is no longer any risk. Some manufacturers sell permethrin treated clothing. When factory treated, these items will kill ticks through 70 washings. - Buy an insect repellent
You can find them in many chemists, outdoor shops or online. - Buy a tick removal tool
They are available in outdoor shops, vets, or online.
While You Are Out

- Wear light-coloured clothing
It helps you see ticks more easily. - Carry a tick removal tool
- Use insect repellent
- Wear long sleeves and long trousers tucked into socks
Do not expose bare skin. - Keep to well maintained paths
Avoid walking in long grass or touching foliage. - Check clothing for ticks
After You Get Back

- Check for ticks
Shower and check for ticks on the skin of yourself, children and pets.
Ticks prefer warm, dark, and “hard to see” areas.
Be careful of the groin, hairlines, behind the ears, and places where they are hard to spot.
Larva and nymph ticks are particularly small – the size of a pin-head. - Hot wash clothes
Clothes worn while in tick-infested areas should be hot-washed before being reused.

Insect Repellents
Effective tick repellents may contain the following ingredients, listed in order of complete protection time against ticks:
- Icaridin / Picaridin / Saltidin / Bayrepel / Piperidine
Those containing 20% of this ingredient are usually effective against ticks for longer than DEET. Scottish brands include: Pyramid Trek Midge and Tick, and Smidge. Other examples include: Lifesystems Midge Insect Repellent, and Autan Protection Plus. - PMD / Citriodiol / lemon eucalyptus / menthoglycol
Found in: Mosi-guard Natural (30%) Mosi-guard Plus (40%), Careplus Natural, Jungle Formula Natural, Lifesystems Natural, and Boots Repel Natural. - IR3535 / ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate
Found in: Jungle Formula Outdoor and Camping, and Boots Repel Original. - DEET / Diethyltoluamide
Found in: Boots Repel Tropical and Once, Jungle Formula Maximum, Lifesystems 50, 100, and Endurance, lots own brand repellents. May not be suitable for children.
(information courtesy of a review of insect repellents by Nicola Seal on behalf of Lyme Disease UK)
Tick Removal Tools
Good tick removal tools are:
- Tick removal card
They are handy to keep in your purse or wallet. - Tick twister
They come in 2-3 sizes for different tick sizes. - Tick removal tweezers
They must be specialist fine-pointed tick-removal tweezers – normal tweezers are too blunt.

What If I Am Bitten?
If you are bitten by a tick when you are out, learn how to remove ticks safely.